
Jewel Beatle

2500 kr3800 kr

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Small Skarabé pendant with jewels, about 1.8 – 2 cm.

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On the picture Prasiolit (light blue-green) Amethyst (purple) and Smoke quartz (Warm brown).

Made on order, and depends on which stones are in stock.

Precious wire forged and soldered in a circle before the final shaping: everything is connected and there is no end nor beginning. Forged by hand by goldsmithmaster Veronica Gullbrandson, she takes pride in making them all alike but unique, just like us humans and everything else in nature.


This jewelry has the GR-signet from the National Swedish Master Goldsmith´s Society: Your guarantee for a genuinely hand forged masterpiece.

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Jewel Beatle
2500 kr3800 krSelect options