Veronica Gullbrandsson
Master Goldsmith, Founder & CEO of Ädelsmedjan Sverige AB
This is work made by contemporary master goldsmith Veronica Gullbrandson, all made by her hand here in Ädelsmedjan. Click the portfolios you would like to read more about.

The Monthly Flowers
Organically shaped flower pendents. Hand forged from one single wire to stronger the feeling that

The Companion
Allready back at art collage I was making a giant seahorse. At goldsmith school it became my sign

The Kinda Jewellery
Shaped as a boat-axe from the stone age, found in the area of Kinda. With this we send a thought

Nystan was the very first big selling collection I made, in the year 1997 I started making.

The Bug
In the Year 2011 I got invited to an international art exhibition i Eno, Finland, together with

The Noble Beatle
Selected to be East Sweden Art Handicraft of 2006, by Östsam and Visit Östergötland
Inspired by