Opening hours
Ädelsmedjan in Kisa is open by appointment
Phone Veronica and we book a time that suit us both!
We can arrange a meeting over zoom too, if that will suit better.
Veronica Gullbrandson
mobil: +46709600022
Ädelsmedjan is a traditional goldsmith workshop founded 1997 and situated in the little pitoresqe town of Kisa, sweden.
Here the jewellery of Veronica Gullbrandson is evolved and individually hand crafted. With focus on ethics and environment they are made in small series inspired by nature, magic and human behavior. They come with their story attached, all alike but unique, and make the perfect exquisite gift, to embrace the different celebrations that makes life great and authentic.

Möt Veronica Gullbrandson, Guldsmedsmästare i Kisa
Veronica Gullbrandson took her apprenticeship in the year 1997, and directly founded the craftmans workshop Ädelsmedjan in Kisa. She was awarded “Art handicraft of the year” by Östsam and Visit Östergötland twice, with her locking-mechanism Östgötalåset in the year 2006 and her pendant The Noble bug the year 2012.
Her hand forged classic style is deeply rooted in scandinavian nature with a fresh and non compromising beauty.