Inspired by the Leather Beetle, lat. Osmoderma eremita. An important icon for the preservation of beautiful oak meadows.
Precious wire forged and soldered in a circle before the final shaping: everything is connected and there is no end nor beginning.
Forged by hand by goldsmithmaster Veronica Gullbrandson, she takes pride in making them all alike but unique, just like us humans and everything else in nature.
Carry it on your jumper, as a pendant or let it lay visible as a little sculpture, to let it silently remind you and others that it is our small everyday choices that can save the biodiversity of our world.
Arrives at yours in a neat give-away box with this story inside.
This jewellery has the GR-mark from the National Swedish Master Goldsmith´s Society: Your guarantee for a solidly handcrafted masterpiece.